The issue is, our children can’t always express what or how they feel. In our office, we base health on more than just feeling- we examine how a child’s body and nervous system is actually functioning. From blood flow, to brain function and bone growth, the nervous system plays a central role in keeping things working and healthy. Stress and misalignment of the spine can have serious impacts on a child's overall health and behavior during their most important formative years, in physical form and in neurological development.

We are so passionate about helping kids grow into healthy adults and avoid any unnecessary medications and surgeries. We all experience our first physical trauma on the day we are born– natural and cesarean childbirth alike can be impactful on an infant’s spine, with pressure, pulling, and twisting on a newborn’s neck. Then, as children learn to crawl, walk, and grow, they can experience falls, accidents, and sports injuries. Students sit all day at school, can develop poor posture, and can experience undue stress from heavy backpacks. We have all also heard of “text neck” that can result from looking down at a phone, a computer and even textbooks. In addition to physical stress, we are impacted by emotional and chemical stress. These stressors can lead to things like growing aches and pains, headaches, and difficulty concentrating and focusing, as well as a lowered immune system and improper digestive function.

We will check children for nerve interference from minutes to hours of being born, all the way into adolescence. Each gentle, non-invasive and specific adjustment allows the child’s nervous system to function optimally, ensuring that they have the best start to life and live to their body’s highest ability. Nothing gives us greater joy than to help children and young adults thrive and become the best versions of themselves.

The birth process, even under normal conditions, is frequently the first cause of spinal stress. After the head of the child appears, the physician grabs the baby’s head and twists it around in a figure eight motion, lifting it up to receive the lower shoulder and then down to receive the upper shoulder. This creates significant stress on the spine of the baby. “Spinal cord and brain stem traumas often occur during the process of birth but frequently escape diagnosis. Infants often experience lasting neurological defects. Spinal trauma at birth is essentially attributed to longitudinal traction, especially when this force is combined with flexion and torsion of the spinal axis during delivery.” ~Abraham Towbin, MD

Growth patterns suggest the potential for neurological disorders is most critical from birth to two years of age, as this time is the most dynamic and important phase of postnatal brain development. Over sixty percent of all neurological development occurs after birth in the child’s first year of life.This is why it is important for your child to get adjusted during the first year of their life. Lee Hadley MD states “Subluxation alone is a rational reason for Chiropractic care throughout a lifetime from birth.”

As our children continue to grow, the daily stresses can have a negative impact on an ever growing body. During the first few years of life, an infant often falls while learning to walk or can fall while tumbling off a bed or other piece of furniture. Even the seemingly innocent act of playfully tossing babies up in the air and catching them often results in a whiplash-like trauma to the spine, making it essential to get your baby checked by a chiropractor every stage of his/her development as minor injuries can present as major health concerns down the road if gone uncorrected.

For more information, contact our Doctor or explore the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association website at .